5 reasons why you shouldn’t read this blog

First of all, I don’t want to teach the work to anyone. Even if I have been around for a while and I’ve been doing this for a bit, I still consider myself a beginner with ton of things to learn.

Second, I’m not going to reveal any shortcut to make the job seem effortless or to start earning easy money online. The work of a marketing manager is delightful and exhausting, you need to put in the work, put in the hours and only then you can reap the benefits of your labour.

Third, I will talk about what comes into my mind, even if sometimes it will sound unpopular, I don’t care anymore. I spent too much time of my life thinking about how to please other people, caring of what other people thinks. That time is gone.

Fourth, I am not aiming for completeness. Here you will often find light and fast content about marketing, management and a touch of personal life.

Fifth, I am not writing in my native language, hence you could not find my style grandiloquent, flowery and Shakespearean, but I promise to be crisp, informal and succinct instead.

In conclusion, despite the provocative tone and title, with this blog I am aiming to share hints, ideas and useful information for your personal and professional enrichment. If you want to contribute, ping me, you can find my contacts in the “More about Vladimiro” section.