Website vs. Funnel

A website it’s like a wall, it holds a lot of information like words, icons, images and people have a lot of options and places to go, like the ‘homepage’ and the ‘about us’ page and after some time, users start asking: “ok, what I do next? Why am I here? What’s happening?”

In the best-case scenario, they are beautiful and engaging and in the worst case they are boring and make things not easy.

A website is also often lacking that ‘virtual salesman’ that is recommending products, facilitating the buying process and not only providing product information useful for competitor analysis.

A Funnel, on the other hand, is a very simple way of organizing a thought, it’s like guiding people through an experience, like a dj at the club that is driving people from the first song to the last one.

It is useful for people who are looking for specific stuff, and are willing to pay for it, or to give away some of their information.

In the end, a funnel takes users exactly where the builder wants people to go and most important, it speeds the business up for the client and for the Company, it’s better for everybody, because it creates a meaningful experience.

Bottom line: they do not work one against the other. They just serve different purposes.