2 golden rules to roll out successful digital marketing tactics

There’s no doubt that digital marketing is a crucial part of getting a business seen.

That being said, the only predictable thing about digital marketing is that it’s…unpredictable: I mean, AdTech platforms come and go, audience appetites change, and algorithms seem to evolve overnight.

So, how exactly do we craft killer digital marketing tactics in a space that’s constantly changing?

First, let’s start with the basics. Here my two golden rules:

The first is to list the 21 actions (this number is completely arbitrary, it might be less or more depending on your industry) that made other businesses thrive, it might sound common sense to include stuff like: Search Ads (Google, Bing), Social (Meta, Linkedin, Twitter, Snap, TikTok, etc.), but also move towards programmatic media buying via DSPs, affiliates, native/advertorials, influencers, podcast, CTV, billboard, postcards, and the only limit here is the sky 😉

Since there are so many initiatives to choose from – with new adtech vendors overselling their products popping up everyday – a good rule of thumb is to speak with your peers, ask for suggestions, ask for referrals, listen and take a lot of notes, all these inputs will feed your long list of initiatives.

The second rule is to build a matrix impact/effort and start executing from the low hanging fruits (high impact, low effort), and as soon as you start testing, isolate each action in order to properly measure the impact of every single initiative. And learn!

In the end there are many different types of campaigns you can produce, all with their pros and cons.

The most important thing is leaving nothing to chance, because the devil is in the details, and if you do not know how to do it, just ask for help, ask your peers, ask me, because as Leslie Brown has said “Ask for help not because you’re weak, but because you want to remain strong.”