You Got This!

There are so many people that think they are not capable. And you? Are you feeling stuck? Like there’s a skill you crave but you talk yourself out of even trying? That’s what they call a limiting belief – basically, your mind telling you something untrue that holds you back.

But guess what? You can totally ditch those beliefs!

Here’s the thing: anyone can learn anything. It’s all about putting in the time and focusing on getting better. You don’t need some magic talent, just the willingness to keep at it.

Because you can do anything that you put your mind to. The skillset that you want as a human being is the skillset of mastery, the willingness of putting your attention in one area and develop skills over time.

Think about it this way – I (a random guy off a couch in Ostia) learned a bunch of stuff. So can you!

The only thing stopping you is that voice in your head saying “you can’t.”

So next time you have a goal, take a deep breath and just start. Focus on enjoying the journey and learning new things. Keep taking those steps, one by one, and you’ll get there before you know it!