Speaking about leadership is not easy, because you cannot reduce it to a simple managerial theory, there are so many variables.
It starts from our mind, from our heart, from the capacity to imagine a future.
It is a noble topic, it is something that makes our life more meaningful, and what many people do not understand is that it is a privilege.
One of the most important ability a leader needs to possess is to choose the right people and put them in the right places.
The right leaders are people that are ready to challenge the obvious, break the rules and old habits visible to competitors and going above and beyond what has already been seen.
They are driven by an inner scorecard, are persistent, trust themselves and their peers, and have an extraordinary ability in designing creative collaborations inside their teams.
They also bring clarity, coherence, adhesion to strong principles, and cohesion towards a specific goal.
Good leaders understand the value of service, and respect others. They are fast, but they are also able to listen. They are trustful, they act with sense of integrity, always maintaining the given word and they support a good cause and their community.
This is the type of leader I would like to work for and look like.