Speaking about leadership is not easy, because you cannot reduce it to a simple managerial theory, there are so many variables. It starts from our mind, from our heart, from the capacity to imagine a future. It is a noble topic, it is something that makes our life more meaningful, and what many people do […]
Author: admin
Are you spending money on branded activity on Google Ads?
If the answer is yes, are you asking yourself if that is a good investment? If so, you are not alone. Maybe some of your competitors are bidding on your brand keyword, and you are trying to conquer some real estate on top of the page. Well, in this case, you are doing the right […]
Notes from the last offsite
Last week I went to a leadership and strategy offsite in Paris. It was a wonderful experience and what stroke me the most out of the series of presentations and workshops I had, is the speech of a psychologist who opened my eyes on the way we project our emotions to others. Here I’ve summarized […]
Embrace the fear
There is a galaxy of people out there who wants to get noticed. But standing out is risky. It’s easier to play safe, to hide, to avoid failures, and seek comfort. That’s why so many people do not take action, they over-think, over-plan, get lost in irrelevant details. But that’s normal, is how our brain […]
What’s your superpower?
You need to have a superpower. If you don’t, you’re just another handshake. And remember: nothing is stopping you to be bolder and think bigger. You have the option to smile at mediocrity, and run away! And after that, just keep getting better at your unique talent. But if you are confused, how to understand […]
There are 3 segments of users
You have a segment of people that are gonna buy from you no matter what. You have another segment that is not gonna buy from you for their own reasons. And in between there is huge segment of people who are still undecided. Landing page optimization, CvR optimization were created for this big segment. And […]
Connecting the dots looking backwards
I remember being a child, somewhere around 7-8-9 years old. One day, I’ve gone to my dad’s furnishing factory, he was an entrepreneur leading a small team of less then 15 people, and on his dusty desk there was a lot of paper and a banner with this quote: “Some people regard private enterprise as […]
What makes a good marketer?
The most successful marketers are those who have a deep understanding of sales. They comprehend what sales people are doing, what their challenges are and even more important what’s going on in the buyer’s mind. Marketing is good at being creative and brilliant, but it’s often not insightful, because most of the people who are […]
Stop the insanity
What do you look at when buying a product? Are you picking the best or the perfect choice? It might sound incredible but everybody, and I mean everybody, just settle for the best choice available. Not the perfect choice, but the best choice possible to get in the market. And that’s good news, because nothing […]
One ability that helps people lift their heads from the immediate
When you are the head of marketing you are constantly under pressure. You need to assure your team is delivering, that the department’s goals are met, that everyone is motivated, focused and committed to play their part in realizing the Company vision. That’s why, among all the other things, it’s important to find the right […]