The best product in the world will not save you if you can’t communicate properly. So, let’s say your are in charge of the marketing and communication department, ask yourself the following 4 questions before even starting thinking about your marketing strategy: What is the product about? Start with what the product is (like “manufacturing […]
Author: admin
Are you giving a sense of direction to the people you are leading?
Can you describe the vision of your Company? Maybe you do, but most of the leaders in the organizations I’ve worked for, just couldn’t. And if you can’t communicate the vision to someone in five minutes or less and get a reaction that signifies both understanding and interest, you are not doing a good job. […]
2 golden rules to roll out successful digital marketing tactics
There’s no doubt that digital marketing is a crucial part of getting a business seen. That being said, the only predictable thing about digital marketing is that it’s…unpredictable: I mean, AdTech platforms come and go, audience appetites change, and algorithms seem to evolve overnight. So, how exactly do we craft killer digital marketing tactics in […]
Why are people clicking on ads?
One of my favourite adage from the “Socrates of San Francisco”, Howard Luck Gossage is: “Nobody reads advertising. People read what interests them; and sometimes it’s an ad.” And this principle is still crisp today, more than half a century later, when every Business is craving for attention. Here I try to explain the 7 […]
The 7 (+1) digital marketing trends of 2023
Digital marketing is a constantly evolving field, and trends and technologies are changing all the time. Some trends that have been prominent in recent years include In the coming years, it is likely that digital marketing will continue to evolve as new technologies and strategies are developed and as consumer behavior and preferences change. Companies […]
Performance Marketing is action oriented and measurable
You are a marketer, and most probably you have a budget that you can use to buy attention in as much quantity as you can afford. And there is a good news in that, when you find an ad approach that works, you can scale it. And if you are good with analytics you can […]
The most underrated (and valuable) skill
One of the few things I’ve learned in my career is that every Company is the result of the people that are working there, including the relationships that are established among those people. For this reason, the quality of each person that is part at every level of the organization is essential. Their cohesion is […]
3 steps for marketing success
Marketing is all about increasing revenue and sales while creating a brand. And performance marketing is all about the first part of this statement. It looks for positive ROI ensuring the customer acquisition cost is always lower than the life time value of the users (CAC < LTV). It’s really that simple. And you can […]
A few thoughts on Media Buying
Performance marketing is not just media buying, but without a deep understanding of how to buy traffic online, you can waste a lot of budget. Because there is a lot of traffic on the internet, and not all of it is legit or relevant for the app or product you are trying to promote. And […]
When it comes to marketing, what do you start with?
Effective marketing doesn’t start with a solution. It starts with the group of people to serve. Or with the problem to solve. Or with the change to make. After clarifying all of that, create a story that matches the dreams of the target audience. And let people know. It’s really that simple.